Feb 03

This article may be of interest to these who would like to use the “SOA Suite for healthcare integration” HL7 v2 delimited message handling functionality in solutions similarly to how Oracle Java CAPS HL7 eWay-based solutions were built, perhaps as endpoints in a “Service Bus”-based infrastructure, or to these who would like to use the HL7 messaging handing functionality in OSB environments. In essence, for these unfamiliar with the Java CAPS pattern of use, there were the “Inbound HL7 eWay” and the “Outbound HL7 eWay” patterns. An inbound HL7 v2 Adapter (eWay) would receive a HL7 message, perform all (minimal) validation and acknowledgement processing and store the incoming message in a persistent JMS Queue for some downstream component to process the message as necessary. An Outbound HL7 v2 Adapter (eWay) would read a HL7 message from a JMS Queue (where it was deposited by some upstream component) and send it out to the external system, performing any HL7 ACK processing that might have been required.
In the prior articles in this series we used direct integration between the HL7 v2 endpoints and SOA Suite Composites which provided processing logic. While in my articles JMS is used implicitly as an internal mechanism (via B2B_IN_QUEUE and B2B_OUT_QUEUE JMS queues) the SOA Suite composite did not explicitly use JMS adapters.
It is possible to configure SOA Suite for healthcare integration endpoints in such a way that messages the inbound endpoint receives will be deposited in a particular JMS destination (queue or topic other than the B2B_IN_QUEUE) associated with the endpoint, and messages to be sent by an outbound endpoint will originate in a specific JMS destination (queue or topic other than the B2B_OUT_QUEUE). This will allow such endpoints to be used in Oracle Service Bus-based or other ESB-based solutions as services with JMS interfaces.
In this article we will develop and exercise an inbound-to-JMS and JMS-to-outbound HL7 v2 delimited message processing solutions to demonstrate this capability.

The complete article is available at https://blogs.czapski.id.au/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/SOASuiteHCI_ch15_Inbound_HL7v2Delimited_The_JavaCAPS_Way_v0.1.0.pdf.

Data files used in this article series are available at:

ADT_A01_broken_1.hl7 – https://blogs.czapski.id.au/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/ADT_A01_broken_1.zip – this file contains a single ADT A01 transaction, in which the EVN segment’s name is rbroken, making the message invalid. This message is used in the article “SOA Suite for healthcare integration Series – Exception Handling – Processing Endpoint Errors” for testing exception handling
ADT_A01_output_1.hl7 – https://blogs.czapski.id.au/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/ADT_A01_output_1.zip – this file contains a single ADT A01 transaction
ADT_A03_output_1.hl7 – https://blogs.czapski.id.au/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/ADT_A03_output_1.zip – this file contains a single ADT A03 transaction
ADT_A01_output_5099.hl7 – https://blogs.czapski.id.au/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/ADT_A01_output_5099.zip – this file 5099 ADT A01 transactions, separated by \r\r\n, or Carriage Return, Carriage Return and New Line
QRY_A19.hl7 – https://blogs.czapski.id.au/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/QRY_A19.zip – this file contains a sample A19 query message

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