Jun 27

This article is a follow on to the “Oracle SOA Suite 11g HL7 Inbound Example – Functional ACK Addendum” article and the “Oracle SOA Suite 11g HL7 Inbound – Customized HL7 Message Structure and Data Validation” article.  In these articles the B2B infrastructure was configured to return the “Functional ACK” when it validated each message. The ACK was a positive or a negative ACK depending on whether the message passed validation. The ACK was generated by the B2B Layer before the message was passed on to the SOA Layer.

In this article I expand on the previous posts by configuring the B2B Layer to pass the message to the SOA Layer and pass the Functional ACK, generated by the SOA Layer on to the requester. To process a message and produce the ACK we will build and deploy a new SOA Composite.

The text of the article is to be found at https://blogs.czapski.id.au/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/05_Oracle_SOA_Suite_HL7_inbound_example_BackEnd_ACK_Addendum_v0.1.0.pdf.

Jun 26

Messages we used in previous articles dealing with HL7 Inbound (Oracle SOA Suite 11g HL7 Inbound Example – Functional ACK Addendum, Oracle SOA Suite 11g HL7 Inbound Example) were not strictly speaking valid according to the default HL7 V2 ADT A01 message specification produced by the Oracle B2b Document Editor. Both the message structure was not quite right and the data was not quite right. To allow such messages in, we disabled Validation property in the B2B Trading Partnership Agreement.

In this article we will alalyze the data and  create a customized HL7 v2 ADT A01 structure which will allow us to successfully validate incoming messages. We will then modify the document definition and Partnership Agreements to use this custom structure and validate messages as they come in.

The customization discussed in this article only scratches the surface of what is possible with the Oracle B2B Document Editor.

The complete text of the article is available at https://blogs.czapski.id.au/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/04_Oracle_SOA_Suite_HL7_inbound_Customising_Message_Structure_v0.1.1.pdf

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Jun 25

In this article I develop and exercise a simple Oracle SOA Suite 11g B2B infrastructure-based HL7 v2 Sender (outbound) project for an ADT A01 message and use Message tracker to view messages.

This article complements previous articles in the series, Oracle SOA Suite 11g HL7 Inbound Example and Oracle SOA Suite 11g HL7 Inbound Example – Functional ACK Addendum.

The text of the article, 03_Oracle_SOA_Suite_HL7_outbound_example_v0.1.0.pdf, is available at https://blogs.czapski.id.au/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/03_Oracle_SOA_Suite_HL7_outbound_example_v0.1.0.pdf

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Jun 23

This article is a follow on to the “Oracle SOA Suite 11g HL7 Inbound Example”, at https://blogs.czapski.id.au/2010/06/oracle-soa-suite-11g-hl7-inbound-example. In that article the B2B infrastructure was configured to return the “immediate ack” as soon as it received each message. The ACK was always a positive ACK, regardless of whether the message was valid or not and whether it was successfully processed.

In this article I expand on the previous post by adding the Functional ACK, an explicit ACK message, which is returned after a message is parsed and validated, if validation is required. This means that rather than always returning an ACK the receiver will return a NAK if the message is invalid.

The article, 02_Oracle_SOA_Suite_HL7_inbound_example_ACK_Addendum_v0.2.3.pdf, is available at https://blogs.czapski.id.au/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/02_Oracle_SOA_Suite_HL7_inbound_example_ACK_Addendum_v0.2.3.pdf

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Jun 19

As Sun Microsystems, and SeeBeyond before it, Oracle provides support for integration of systems which use HL7 v2.x messaging. Unlike Sun, and SeeBeyond before it, Oracle treats HL7 messaging as Business to Business exchanges (B2B) and uses the B2B part of the Oracle SOA Suite to accomplish the task [1].

In this article I develop and exercise a simple Oracle SOA Suite 11g B2B infrastructure-based HL7 v2 Receiver project for an ADT A01 message and use Message tracker to view messages, message states and messaging performance.

The complete article, 02_Oracle_SOA_Suite_HL7_inbound_example_v0.2.1.pdf, can be found at https://blogs.czapski.id.au/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/02_Oracle_SOA_Suite_HL7_inbound_example_v0.2.1.pdf

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Jun 19

As Sun Microsystems, and SeeBeyond before it, Oracle provides support for integration of systems which use HL7 v2.x messaging. Unlike Sun, and SeeBeyond before it, Oracle treats HL7 messaging as Business to Business exchanges (B2B) and uses the B2B part of the Oracle SOA Suite to accomplish the task [1].

There are numerous articles on Oracle SOA Suite and on Oracle B2B. To wade through this material to get to a concise set of steps needed to get started with HL7 messaging is a chore precisely because there is so much material about the SOA Suite and so little on how to deal with HL7 suing it. I set off to work out what it takes to do HL7 messaging and to document it for myself and others.

This article walks through the installation and configuration of all Oracle software necessary to implement HL7 v2.x messaging as development / experimentation environment. It assumes a single machine with limited resources.

I expect that there will be subsequent articles in this series which will use this infrastructure to implement specific HL7 v2.x examples.

The complete article, 01_Installing_Oracle_SOA_Suite_for_HL7_exploration_v1.1.pdf, can be found at https://blogs.czapski.id.au/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/01_Installing_Oracle_SOA_Suite_for_HL7_exploration_v1.1.pdf.

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