Mar 12

With the future uncertain, and things changing around me, I feel it inappropriate to have my own articles associated with the employer of the moment, whomever that may be from time to time.  As a consequence I transferred all the articles I posted from to my own blog site, is the site where I will be posting all future articles.

I declare officially open 🙂

While I am migrating my blog to some links in older posts may be broken. For as long as it works, go to the find the post with the identical title.
Mar 06

It is expected that business solutions, whether designed in accordance with the Service Oriented Architecture principles, or designed following any of the other accepted architectural principles, are robust, reliable and available. Robustness, reliability and availability, in this context, means not just that solutions are free of design and implementation defects but are also architected and deployed in such a way that business users can access them when needed, in spite of any failures that may occur.

In an ideal world all applications will always be available for use. In the real world this may not be possible, or may not be possible at a reasonable cost.

The document referenced below discusses resilience options available to the designers of GlassFish ESB solutions and considerations that need to be entered into when designing GlassFish ESB solutions for resilience and high availability.

The document, GlassFishESB_Solution_Resillience_Options_v0.5.pdf, is available at

Mar 06


I am sorry to say that as at September 2010 all these links are no longer valid – seems like somebody has been going around closing sites to make sure that HL7 standards do not get used too widely 🙁

For these who have a need, the HL7 v 2.3.1 standard document is available online at as at February 24, 2010. The site does not seems to have been updated for a long time so the standard document may well be available for a while longer.

HL7 v 2.3 document is available at, again, as at February 24, 2010.

IHE Europe has an interesting “interactive” site where HL7 can be “explored” at

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