Jul 24

As at now there does not seem to be a way to stream FTP payloads to the local file system, or stream local files to FTP servers in the JBI environment. This kind of functionality may or may not appear in the OpenESB project, perhaps in conjunctions with the FTP BC or the File BC or both. In the meantime, a Java CAPS 6 developer can use the JCA Adapters-based solution to stream payloads of arbitrary size between FTP servers and local file systems in either direction.

This Note walks through the implementation of a Batch FTP JCA solution, which is triggered by a JMS Message, and performs a streaming FTP transfer of an arbitrarily large payload between a remote FTP server and the local file system. This Note re-implements the inbound part of the “Java CAPS 5.1 and Java CAPS 6 – Streaming Large FTP Transfers” Note available at http://blogs.sun.com/javacapsfieldtech/entry/streaming_large_ftp_transfers_with.
It should be easy enough to re-implement the outbound part of that Note using the material in this Note.

The complete Note is available in 04JCAStreamingFTPIn.pdf.

Jul 14

Someone asked a question along the lines of “Is it possible to develop a solution in OpenESB where the HTTP BC receives a request and the SMTP BC uses it to send electronic mail with no BPEL logic to tie the two together”. I though that the answer was “Yes” but I felt I had to verify it. Vishnuvardhan Piskalaramesh from Sun, who is looking after the SMTP BC, and Sherry Weng from Sun, who is looking after the HTTP BC, helped along and here is the result.

This note describes, with illustrations, a mini integration solution wherein an appropriately formulated HTTP GET request is used to submit an electronic mail to a SMTP server, using the HTTP Binding Component and the SMTP Binding Component, without the need to provide any transformation logic. This is another example where a
practical JBI-based integration solution can be constructed in minutes.
05JBI_HTTP2SMTP_NoBPEL.pdf provides the illustrated discussion.

Jul 11

In addition to doing it the hard way, which is something a developer could always do and frequently did, Java CAPS 6 gives a developer 4 ways in which to receive messages from a JMS Destination. Two of these will be familiar to the Java CAPS 5.x developer and involve a JMS-triggered JCD and a JMS-triggered eInsight BP. Of the two additional ways in Java CAPS 6, one involves the use of the JBI infrastructure through the JMS Binding Component (JMS BC) and one involves the use of the just introduced evolution of the 5.x eWays variously referred to as Global RARs or Java 1.5 EE JCA adapters.

This discussion revolves around the JCA adapter use and points out, appearances notwithstanding, how easy it will be for a JCD developer to develop JCD-equivalent ‘collaborations’ using JCA adapters in Java CAPS 6.

Note that OpenESB does not provide this functionality and that this functionality has nothing whatever to do with the JBI.

Credits go to Frank Kieviet and others who proposed and oversaw the evolution of the eWays into JCAs and Dao Tien Tran whose JCA tutorial helped me get started.

Here is the document that discusses the topic: 05JCA-basedJMSConsummer.pdf

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Jun 12

This document is intended to help you get over the initial hurdles of exploring Java CAPS 6/JBI and OpenESB. It walks through the process of creation, deployment and execution of a simple File-to-File integration solution, and a simple File to BPEL Process to File solution, with detailed step-by-step illustrations. Both solutions use inbound files with multiple records. The focus is the practice of using JBI components not the theory of JBI. This document addresses the integration solution developers, not developers of Service Engines or Binding Components. The projects use JBI components only, that’s why they are just as good for OpenESB exploration as they are for Java CAPS 6/JBI exploration. JBI (Java Business Integration) is not discussed to any great extent. JBI artifact names are used in discussion but not elaborated upon. Explanations are provided where necessary to foster understanding of the mechanics of developing integration solutions using JBI technologies in OpenESB and Java CAPS 6/JBI. Java CAPS 6 and OpenESB are two of a number of toolkits that implement the JBI specification (JSR 208). When I use an expression like “In JBI …” I actually mean “In JBI as implemented in Java CAPS 6 and OpenESB …”. The same things may well be implemented differently in other JBI toolkits. Java CAPS 6 “Revenue Release” is used and shown in illustrations. OpenESB can be used instead however the appearance of components shown in illustrations may vary somewhat.

02File2FileMultiRec.pdf contains the complete solution writeup.

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