Jul 30

Every now and then there arises a need to carry out-of-band information alongside the business payload but without disturbing or modifying it. Message Envelope Pattern is the Enterprise Integration Pattern label that is typically applied to solutions that address this issue. How the issue is addressed in practice varies depending on the technology in use. For JMS, for example, JMS Message Properties could be used to carry out-of-band information while the payload would be carried as the JMS payload. Web Services, typically using SOAP over HTTP, can address this requirement through the SOAP Header Extension Mechanism, whereby custom headers can be added to the SOAP Header while the payload is carried in the SOAP Body.

This document discusses construction of a WSDL that supports custom SOAP Header element and BPEL processes that are used to set and get custom header values in JBI and in eInsight. This mechanism is known to work in Java CAPS 5.x, Java CAPS 6 Classic and OpenESB / GlassFish ESB.

It is assumed that the reader is sufficiently familiar with the GlassFish ESB / OpenESB BPEL Service Engine and the SOAP/HTTP Binding Component, and / or Java CAPS Classic eInsight Business Process Manager and eDesigner IDE to be able to build projects without a step-by-step pictorial document.

The document is available here: 01_Handling_SOAP_Headers_in_BPEL_.pdf
The companion archive, containing WSDLs and projects, is available here: 01_Handling_SOAP_Headers_in_BPEL.zip

While the method discussed in this entry is still valid there is now a different treatment of the topic, using NM Properties, “GlassFish ESB v2.x – Reading and Writing arbitrary SOAP Headers in BPEL 2.0 using NMProperties“.

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Jul 24

This document discusses how to implement support for WS-Security 1.0 (2004) in Java CAPS 6 Repository projects without resorting to SOAP Message Handlers. This is an update to my 3 year old Java CAPS 5.1 document on this topic, “Java CAPS 5.1, Implementing WS-Security 1.0 (2004) with JAX-RPC“. In this “release” Access Manager support for Username Token Profile has been removed. Feel free to add it if you need such support.

Java CAPS 6 Update 1 supports a mechanism for hooking SOAP envelope handlers into the Java CAPS Web Services framework so what I did and described in this document can now be done differently – perhaps better. I had a look at how to implement SOAP Message Handlers and it looked like work so I did not go there.

This material is provided on “all care but no responsibility” basis. Sun Java CAPS Support will not support this and neither will I. JAX-RPC from JWSDP 2.0, which is at the heart of the implementation, is deprecated and has long since been replaced by WSIT/JAX-WS/Tango.

Here is the document: Implementing_WS-Security_1.3_for_JavaCAPS6U1Repository.pdf
Here is the companion archive with all the required material: WSSecSampleProject_1.3_JCAPS6U1.zip

The WSSecurity.jar contains both the binary classes and the Java sources.

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