The package named in this article provides detailed steps for creating a Docker Container that runs a git client.
Scripts in this package facilitate creation of a Docker Image and a Docker Container with a Git Client that can be used with, or to test, the private GIT Server. The image uses the git distribution from the Debian Jesse repository. The container can be used as the basis for a development environment, upon which to build a development environment with the appropriate tools like NodeJS, Java, etc..
The image is based on bitnami/minideb:jessie image as at early May 2020.
The image is 156MB in size.
The image will be saved as the gitclient:1.0.0 Docker Image if the script is run from the …./gitclient/_commonUtils directory and, if the user requests it, will also be uploaded to a remote docker repository, which must be defined. Please see for RAEADME and package artifacts.