Apr 09

In this article I discuss my rationale for using gtkdialog and, more importantly, I provide links to a growing list of articles on topics related to gtkdialog – applying styles to gtkdialog applications, examples, exploration of the various gtkdialog objects and suchlike.

Here is the list of my articles on the topic of gtkdialog:

My demos are typically designed to showcase back-end infrastructure, with one or more integrated products delivering specific functionality to client applications. The implication of, and the very point of, the infrastructure is that it does deliver functionality to any front-end client application. It shelters the front-end application from the complexities of integration of multiple components, orchestrating functionality across disparate products and platforms, and the need for the front-end developers to possess the requisite skills to effectively work in such complex, multi-technology environments.

To prove the points I typically have technical artefacts stand in for the client applications, for example using curl (https://curl.haxx.se/) or httpie (https://httpie.org/). This approach strips all the non-essential, tool-induced fluff, and exposes the bare requests and bare responses that the application needs to exchange with the back-end to get the job done. In the case of SOAP Web Services it would be the SOAP Requests and SOAP Responses. In the case of REST web services it would be HTTP Requests, potentially with JSON POST data, and REST Responses.

Alas, there are occasions when audience is not knowledgeable enough to appreciate what the technical artefacts are doing and what that means for the developer of the front-end application.

In the late 1990s early 2000s I was developing very complex and sophisticated web applications for healthcare. I started modestly enough with a web browser-based laboratory results reporting application using HTML 2 and a CERN httpd web server with complex custom backend – see https://blogs.czapski.id.au/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/for_blog_mczapski1.html if you are curious what that looked like then. The paper as it looked when it was hosted by Charles Sturt University in 1997 – https://web.archive.org/web/19970607211224/http://www.csu.edu.au/special/conference/apwww95/papers95/mczapski/mczapski.html – was archived in the Internet Archive by the WayBack Machine – https://archive.org/web/). I progressed to HTML 4, JavaScript, Apache httpd and custom Apache module for all the back-end database access and dynamic HTML generation (that was before the days of AJAX and other server-side technologies, so I invented my own serverside scripting methodology for the occasion).

All this is to say that when I started considering what technology I would use to create demonstration applications to show the client-side of integration to the back-end infrastructure for which I was building the demos I naturally turned to the web technologies. That, it turned out, was a blind alley for me. The time and effort investment necessary to choose from the plethora of competing frameworks, the inevitable need to combine multiple frameworks and technologies (like for example AngularJS, Backbone.io, Node.js, jQuery, etc., to acquire sufficient skills to be reasonably proficient and to get the actual job done seemed excessive. From my point of view the return on investment simply was not there.

What I was after was a tool that would put a reasonably-looking UI on top of the raw request/response exchanges with no need to write 3gl compiled code or Java or such, install execution environments (like node.js, web servers or servlet containers). It would ideally be invoked from the Linux shell with bunch of command line arguments which would make it do what I needed it to do.

I turned to Linux UI tools, starting with zenity (https://help.gnome.org/users/zenity/stable/), progressing through yad (http://www.webupd8.org/2010/12/yad-zenity-on-steroids-display.html) and finally stumbling upon gtkdialog (http://www.tecmint.com/gtkdialog-create-graphical-interfaces-and-dialog-boxes/).

It turned out that yad is ideal for quick dialog boxes of the sort that shows information and asks for OK or Cancel. It can do plenty more than that but I am using it for just such simple things. There is enough information on line to get one up to speed with yad pretty quickly for simple tasks. I built some UIs using yad but I was not satisfied with the rigidity of the component layout mechanism and the consequent lack of control over the layout.

I stumbled on the references to gtkdialog and started exploration. Alas, documentation for gtkdialog is almost non-existent, and what information can be had is scattered over group posts, blog articles and rather opaque reference pages. This alone makes the entry cost pretty high. One has to be fairly motivated to persevere with gtkdialog with no prior experience. I was reasonably motivated but there was a point, which I documented in my internal notes, when I concluded that it was “probably waste of time”. Still I persevered and I built a few pretty sophisticated client applications using gtkdialog and bash – each between 600 and 2000 lines of bash script. If you relate to these numbers then you will appreciate that for me gtkdialog is very attractive. I can develop, test and deploy a pretty sophisticated UI in a couple of days using bash as a scripting language with ready access to all the tools and technologies I need to do the back-end integration quickly and effectively.

3 Responses to “gtkdialog Exploration – articles and examples – series introduction”

  1. Hi Michael,

    I notice some broken links that are my bad. Please refer to this post to fix them. http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?p=1000360#1000360

    Best regards,

    Michael Amadio

  2. will have to dig into your gtk dialog work and all… (i only use the bash side of gtk) for any of my *last* pop up dialogs in which i try to learn the c side. im not sure if ill find that on your site but i recommendel the writing the c way though its a bit harder its learning c anyways. good fin dthis site thank you

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