Aug 26

To develop HL7 v2 messaging solutions which use the SOA Suite for healthcare integration one needs a working development and deployment environment.

This article provides references to components which must be obtained and installed to get a working environment in preparation for development of solutions presented in possible future articles.

This article and the remaining articles assume a development environment based in Microsoft Windows XP 64-bit. Nothing, except the instructions for downloading Windows-specific components and screenshots of Windows-specific non-SOA Suite tools, prevents you from developing on any of the other supported platforms. Convers my Windows-specific instructions to your platform-specific instructions as needed.

The full text of this article is available as “SOA Suite for healthcare integration Series – Overview of the Development Environment” at


5 Responses to “SOA Suite for healthcare integration Series – Overview of the Development Environment”

  1. […] healthcare integration Series – Overview of the Development Environment”, to be found at…. This article assumes that the reader completed the solution discussed in the earlier article, […]

  2. […] This article assumes that the reader has the SOA Suite for healthcare integration environment with all necessary components installed and ready to use. The Bill of Materials for such an environment and a discussion on where the components can be obtained is provided in the earlier article, “SOA Suite for healthcare integration Series – Overview of the Development Environment”, to be found at…. […]

  3. […] healthcare integration Series – Overview of the Development Environment”, to be found at…. This article assumes that the reader completed the solution discussed in the earlier article, […]

  4. […] This article assumes that the reader has the SOA Suite for healthcare integration environment with all necessary components installed and ready to use. The Bill of Materials for such an environment and a discussion on where the components can be obtained is provided in the earlier article, “SOA Suite for healthcare integration Series – Overview of the Development Environment”, to be found at…. […]

  5. […] While most HL7 v2 messaging is of the store-and-forward kind, where a sender sends a message to a partner, receives a positive acknowledgement and forgets the transaction, there are circumstances where a sender wants to query the receiver and get and process a response. For ADT-related queries A19 transaction serves this function. A client application can send an A19 QRY message, with a patient identifier and assigning authority and request patient demographic information to be returned using the A19 ADR response message. In this article we will develop and exercise an A19 Query Processor solution. This article assumes that the reader has the SOA Suite for healthcare integration environment with all necessary components installed and ready to use. The Bill of Materials for such an environment and a discussion on where the components can be obtained is provided in the earlier article, “SOA Suite for healthcare integration Series – Overview of the Development Environment”, to be found at…. […]

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