Jul 31

The previous blog, walked through development and deployment of the Patient Lookup Portlet with a basic Google Map centered at the location identified by patient address, if any. It was a fairly basic Google Map, as Google maps go. In this document I will add a better looking Google Map to the Patient Lookup Portlet, explicitly using Google Maps APIs to construct the map.

The walkthrough is here: 02_PatienLookup_VWJSFPortletGooMapFancy.pdf

The companion archive, containing the NetBeans project, is here: PatientLookupGooMapBetterVWJSFP.zip

One Response to “Patient Lookup Visual Web JSF Portlet with a nicer looking Google Map”

  1. […] Patient Lookup Visual Web JSF Portlet with a nicer looking Google Map GlassFish ESB v2.1, OpenESB – Configuring HTTP BC for Plain WS-Security 1.0 Username Token Support Aug 01 […]

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