Jul 02

“Progress” notwithstanding, Healthcare environments still extensively use the HL7 v2.x Delimited messages for conveyance of patient and patient-related information between applications. The GlassFish ESB provides support for HL7 v2.x messaging in the form of the HL7 Encoder, which allows conversion between HL7 v2 Delimited and HL7 v2 XML message formats, and in the form of the HL7 Binding Component, which allow connectivity between the GlassFish ESB-based healthcare solutions and healthcare applications that support HL7 over TCP connectivity.

In this document I will walk through the process of generating HL7 v2.3.1 delimited messages from pipe-delimited records containing patient information, sending and receiving HL7 v2.3.1 delimited messages using the HL7 Binding Component, parsing HL7 v2.3.1 delimited messages and writing HL7 v2 delimited messages to a file. To create and process HL7 messages I show how create a custom ADT A04 XML Schema and a custom “any HL7 v2 message” XML Schema. This gives me an opportunity to use the File Binding Component (File BC), the HL7 BC, the HL7 Encoder, the Custom Encoder and the BPEL Service Engine (BPEL SE). This also gives me an opportunity to demonstrate a HL7 v2.3.1 delimited message sender solution and to demonstrate a HL7 v2.3.1 delimited message receiver solution. At the end of the process we will have a file containing HL7 v2 delimited ADT A04 messages, which we will use in related writeups.

Here is the document: 02_PatientSvc_MakeHL7v2DelimDataFromCustomDelimRecords_0.4.pdf

Here is the companion archive containing input files, the output file and the projects: 02_PatientSvc_MakeHL7v2DelimDataFromCustomDelimRecords_data.zip

The writeup document has been updated and version changed to 0.4.

5 Responses to “GlassFish ESB v2.1, MySQL v5.1 – Make HL7 v2.3.1 Delimited Messages from Custom Delimited Records with HL7 Encoder and HL7 BC”

  1. Anonymous says:

    The links to the PDF document and .zip are broken… can they be fixed?

  2. […] these interested in processing HL7 using GlassFish ESB v2.1 there is a blog entry, “GlassFish ESB v2.1, MySQL v5.1 – Make HL7 v2.3.1 Delimited Messages from Custom Delimited Reco…“, which discusses, amongst other things, how to create a custom HL7 v2 ADT A04 XSD and a […]

  3. Ashutosh says:

    I am using GlassFish ESB2.2 and trying to install hl7bc-component-installer.jar when passing the GlasFish Path its poping up “The GlassFish Version while the maximum is Glassfish” request you to provide the solution for the same.

    Thanks with

    • Hello, Ashutosh.

      I can’t help you, I am afraid.
      The OpenESB project has moved on rather far from where it was at the time I wrote this article and I moved quite far from the OpenESB project in the same period. I don’t know if anyone is maintaining the HL7 BC and what the status of it and the OpenESB code base is. There was an attempt to form a community around the OpenESB project and a fork has been made of the code base but I stopped following the comings and goings of his project a several months ago.
      These days there are other ways of working with HL7, for example SOA Suite for healthcare integration from Oracle, and other products and project artifacts from others.



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