May 07

Occasionally one needs to pick up and process a large number of files, on the order of hundreds or thousands. With the Batch Inbound eWay/JCA Adapter it is not possible to pick up more then one file per poll. The Batch Local File, if triggered by some event other then an appearance of a file in a directory, perhaps a Scheduler trigger or a manual trigger, with correctly designed logic, can process many files in a single invocation.

The document, ProcessingHundredsOfFileWithBatchAdapter.pdf, discusses how Batch Local File-based solution can be constructed to effectively process hundreds of files in a single pass.

This article references a ZIP archive ““.

4 Responses to “Getting Hundreds of Files using Batch Local File eWay in Java CAPS 6”

  1. Thomas Jakob says:

    Hello Michael,

    Thank you very much for your solution!
    It adresses exactly what we where talking about…

    Best regards

  2. Michael Czapski says:

    I am glad you found this solution useful.



  3. Thomas says:

    Hello Michael,

    I recognized, that our solution of processing `million` of files depends on the location of the files.
    If the files are local to the batcheway, the speed is acurate.
    If the files ar located on a fileshare, the speed is very poor (I tested your solution on an local disk last time – this way I didn’t realize the problem).
    The problem still remains – the eWay takes a lot of time to scan all files – and – it rescans all files each time we put the .get() or the .getifexists() command.
    Is there a solution, to get the list of files?
    (as it can be done with the BatchFTP – not shure but I think so)

    Thanks and regards,

  4. Hello, Thomas.
    A solution that comes to mind is as follows:
    1. construct a scheduler-triggered JCD which uses standard Java IO classes to get a list of files in a directory. Make the schedule rather large (minutes to hours) to allow all files to be processed.Perhaps one of the exmples returned by: will assist
    2. loop over the list and for each complete file path create and send a JMS message to a designated queue, say qProcessFile.
    3. construct a JMS-triggered JCD which receives a JMS message, gets the file path from the message and use it ti get and process a single file.

    If you change the 1 in such a way that the sceduler triggeres a JCD which puts a trigger into a JMS queue, say qTriggerFileList, and the actual listing of files gets done by another JCD triggered by the trigger message in the qTriggerFileList then 2 can be modified to submit a trigger message to qTriggerFileList once it has processed all files in the list, so to trigger another file list pass before a scheduled trigger arrives.

    I have not actually built this logic so there may be false assumptions in it.



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