Apr 28

Finally, the Java CAPS Book has been spotted in Australia. That means it is available in print in the USA and elsewhere.

Brendan and I will be signing copies at JavaOne in San Francisco for these who care.

Photo courtesy of Eleine D. – Thanks Elaine.

9 Responses to “Java CAPS Book is out in print”

  1. mike chen says:

    I pre-order the book in Amazon.ca. But it is still unavailable now and don’t know when I can have it.
    After a long waiting and continue…

  2. Michael Czapski says:

    Hello, Mike.

    Thanks you for ordering the book. I am sorry to hear that you are experiencing delays in getting it.

    Canadian Amazon site shows the book as available: http://www.amazon.ca/s/ref=nb_ss_gw/701-1842507-6237117?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=java+caps

    I know for sure that it made it out in print because my colleagues in Australia have a copy.

    You need to contact Amazon to find out why your copy did not get to you in a timely manner and to expediate the matter. I have no involvement in this side of thigs at all.



  3. Sivaraman V says:

    Hi Micheal,

    Any way to get the book in India? I thought of getting the eBook from here:

    But wondering How do I get the CD-ROM which would contain the image installation of JCAPS with all the example projects?

    Diesel-eBooks confirmed that they wont provide the CD-ROM with it.

    Please advice. Thanks in advance for your time.

  4. Michael Czapski says:

    Hello, Sivaraman V.

    You can get the book from any number of online bookstores, including the one you quote. The printed book is a first part of a two volume set. The printed book contains a CD-ROM with volume II in PDF format. Volume II contains all worked examples.

    CD-ROM does not contain Java CAPS installation or project exports. I have been unsuccessful in my attempt to secure distribution permission for pre-installed Java CAPS or for Java CAPS distribution files, so the book distributor cannot get it for you, nor can I.

    Volume II should allow you to implement examples under discussion since most of the discussion in that volume is presented as a step-by-step walk through the implementation.



  5. Srinivas Erukulla says:

    I bought this book long back. I wanted to use it in new implementations, but never got an opportunity to do so. Now I have got an opportunity to set up an entirely new installation for my customer. The requirement is to setup active-active in JCAPS 5.1.3. I was referring to chapter 13 (section 13.5 high availability architecture). I have few questions:
    1. How to setup SUN cluster scalable data service (i.e. active-active) for Logical Host across data centers (300 miles apart).
    2. Is it advisable to use SeeBeyond JMS IQ with pesistent data store replication across data centers (300 miles apart)

    Can you please suggest me how to implement this architecture.

    Srinivas Erukulla

  6. Brendan Marry says:

    Hi Srinivas,

    1. How to setup SUN cluster scalable data service (i.e. active-active) for Logical Host across data centers (300 miles apart).

    Using Sun Cluster to have an active/passive queue manager and active active logical hosts with the same applications deployed to them is a good HA architecture and if required a load balancer to balance HTTP requests to both sites this is a scalable architecture, I am not sure of the latency issues setting this up across such a distance, generally Sun Clusters are set up in site a data centre.

    To set up a Sun OS cluster it is best refer to the Solaris and Sun clustering documentation.

    2. Is it advisable to use SeeBeyond JMS IQ with pesistent data store replication across data centers (300 miles apart)

    This is an option however due to the distance between the data centers latency is an issue. In the event a commit/ack is not received on a message send until the replicated store has written the message to both sites this will impact the speed of the IQ Manager. Note in this architecture you are relying on the file system to make the solution HA.

    Another option now with Java MQ is to use a database repository for the queues. In the event you already have a database configured for HA this would be a good option.


  7. Srinivas says:

    I am wodering unlike 4.5.3 STCMS, IQ manager does not run as a seperate process. So I can not setup a service group in SUN cluster to monitor, start, stop STCMS IQ in a stand alone mode. Is there a work around for this in 5.1.3?

    Srinivas Erukulla

  8. Brendan says:

    Yes the work around is to set up a domain that only runs the IQ Manager and don’t deploy any ears to that domain

  9. Srinivas Erukulla says:

    Thank you it works. The book is definitely a great resource for JCAPS pracitioners. Thanks again to all the authors for this masterpiece.


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