Oct 22

After almost 2 years the Java CAPS Book I authored with Sebastian Krueger, Brendan Marry, Saurabh Sahai, Peter Vaneris and Andrew Walker, seems like finally seeing the light of day. The tentative print date for the book, “Java CAPS Basics – Implementing Common EAI Patterns”, Part I, is advertised as set at February 2008 at the pre-order page at Amazon.com.

Here are the Table of Contents and the Preface

10 Responses to “Java CAPS Basics – Implementing Common EAI Patterns (Book)”

  1. Anonymous says:

    Would like to download the VMware

  2. Michael says:

    This is still work in progress and subject to approval by Sun. If there is more demand I will attempt to get approval to release the image.

  3. I’m also interested in the VMware image. – eduard/o

  4. James Marine says:


    I am very much interested in downloading a VMware virtual image when and if becomes available. Also, I await with much anticipation the release of the cookbook.

    James Marine

  5. Nag says:

    Hi Michael,

    Please send me the VMware image.

    Thanks in Advance,

  6. Sivaraman Viswanathan says:

    I and a number of seebeyond ICAN engineers are intrested in getting the vmware image. It would of immense help to us in enhancing the work we do in EAI. Kindly consider our request and try to post the vmware image.
    Thanks a lot for your guidance.

  7. Güilber J. Castillo says:

    Please try to post the vmware image as soon as you can, the enterprise I work for is really interested in it.


  8. Andy Iyer says:

    Hi Michael,

    If I have a business process that receive a large document (200MB) as input and does processing with it. Does every activity maintain a copy of the document at both the input and output of the activity?
    Is there any way of doing this without killing the eInsight engine? There might be some transformation that might have to be done to the data as well?

    What is the best way to achieve this in eInsight? Or eInsight even the right tool for this?

    Your inputs will be much appreciated.


  9. Michael says:

    Hello Andy,

    Each Business Process Attribute is global in to business process so your document will be replicated as many times as there are bp attributes you use for it. For example if you receive your document over JMS there will be a 200+MB blob which is the JMS message containing the document. If you unmarshal this document into an OTD structure there will be another copy. Etc..

    Sending 200Mb documents through a messaging solution is not a good idea as it will severely impact performance of teh solution and will require memory allocation several times the size of the largest document.

    Is this document consisting of multiple items that can be processed separately? Does the document come in as a file and is read using a Batch eWay?
    If the document contains multiple identifiable ‘records’ that can be processed separately and the document is a file in a file system to start with then a streaming solution could be developed that would minimise memory footprint.

    You need to say more about the nature of the document, how it gets to enter the integration solution and what kind of processing you need to perform on it before any reasonable suggestions can be made.

  10. Reuben says:

    Do you have any related material for JCAPS 5.1.0. If so, kindly forward it to sms.rbr@gmail.com (my mail id).

    Thanks & Regards,

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