As at release 5.1 Java CAPS supports WS-Security 1.0 (2004) Username Token Profile. Java CAPS eInsight- and Java Collaboration-exposed web services can be configured to require and validate Username/Password credentials before performing their programmed function. Java CAPS eInsight-based and Java Colaboration-based web service consumers can be configured to supply WS-Security 1.0 (2004) Username Token SOAP Header.
Java CAPS 5.1.3_Notes_Using_WS-Security_1.0_Username_Token_Profile.pdf discusses configuration of the Username Token, creation of users, configuration of access to service and testing secured services. It illustrates the discussion with a step-by-step example of implementing, securing and exercising a web service consumer and a web service implementation which use the Username Token infrastructure.
WSDLWSUserAuth.wsdl is the WSDL interface specification document for a service developed in the example.
XSDWSUserAuthString.xsd is the XML Schema Document defining the data structure used as input and output of the example service. is the Java CAPS 5.1.3 project export of the projects discussed in the document.
Damn good article…Michael..
Thanks a ton..
You are welcome, Deepak. I am glad you found it useful.