Nov 11

The archetypical “Hello World” solution in the HL7 v2 messaging world will consist of a HL7 v2 message receiver which writes the messages it receives to files in the file system.

This article works through the mechanics of configuring the “SOA Suite for healthcare integration” to receive HL7 v2.3.1 ADT messages as a Canonical Messages and configuring the SOA Suite to write each message to a file in the file system.

This article assumes that the reader is sufficiently familiar with HL7 v2 and HL7 v2 messaging to require no elaboration on the message structures, message acknowledgement processing and the “equivalence” of HL7 v2 delimited and HL7 v2 XML message forms.

The complete article is available at

Data files used in this article series are available at:

ADT_A01_broken_1.hl7 – – this file contains a single ADT A01 transaction, in which the EVN segment’s name is rbroken, making the message invalid. This message is used in the article “SOA Suite for healthcare integration Series – Exception Handling – Processing Endpoint Errors” for testing exception handling
ADT_A01_output_1.hl7 – – this file contains a single ADT A01 transaction
ADT_A03_output_1.hl7 – – this file contains a single ADT A03 transaction
ADT_A01_output_5099.hl7 – – this file 5099 ADT A01 transactions, separated by \r\r\n, or Carriage Return, Carriage Return and New Line
QRY_A19.hl7 – – this file contains a sample A19 query message

2 Responses to “SOA Suite for healthcare integration Series – HL7 v2 Inbound to File Solution”

  1. […] SOA Suite for healthcare integration Series – HL7 v2 Inbound to File Solution SOA Suite for healthcare integration Series – Routing and Transformation using XSL Solution Dec 08 […]

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