Jan 08

The Archive, “__Book_20061221_1320_512_with_Env.zip“, contains all (I think) projects featured in the book “Java CAPS Basics – Implementing Common EAI Patterns”, ISBN-13 978-0-13-713071-9, whether in Part I or in Part II (which is on the CD that accompanies the hardcopy book).

See Note JavaCAPSBasics_ProjectExports_Archive.pdf for additional details, including project hierarchy and prerequisite Java CAPS components.

4 Responses to “Java CAPS Basics Book – Project Exports Archive”

  1. Michael Czapski says:

    Indeed. It should have been: http://mediacast.sun.com/users/Michael.Czapski-Sun/media/JavaCAPSBasics_ProjectExports_Archive.pdf/details
    Corrected. Thanks for spotting the issue.



  2. Donald Vines says:

    I purchased the book. How do I get the associated project exports archive?

    The above link gets redirected to http://www.oracle.com/us/sun/index.htm

    — Don

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